User Agreement

Welcome to MyNex  APP or  Web !

This Terms of Service is made to explain our Privacy Policy and reflect changes required by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and it aims to offer you better experiences while using our MyNex  and other services on .

Jiangsu Tianhe Energy Storage Co., Ltd. , hereinafter will be referred to as "we" or "our", and the data subject, hereinafter will be referred to as "you" or "your".

1. Services we provide

(1) Account Registration

You can register a unique account through email, mobile phone number and third-party social platform (mobile phone number and third-party social platform are only available within territory of the Peoples Republic of China and for certain product).

(2) Create a PV Power Station Online

You can create a PV power station based on physical information of your station and connect data logger and inverter to the station.

(3) Data Acquisition

cloud service system, where the data will be carefully processed and stored.

(4) Data Display and Statistics

Real-time and historical data related to power generation, power usage, power grid and storage battery, etc. (depending on real application scenario) will be displayed in your power station.

(5) Data export

You can export information of your power station and related device data through web frame for further analysis.

(6) alert information Receiving

You can choose whether to receive messages, such as fault alarm and PV station offline. If you enable this service, our system will send a mail or SMS to you once your power station is on alert or offline.

2. Our Data Policy

(1) Processing

We’ll process your data in order to provide the services above mentioned. These processing include: data collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, revising, retrieving, consulting, disclosing, transmissing and associated alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction, by manual or automated means.

(2) Information Providing

When we collect your personal data, we shall at the same time provide you with following information:

a. our identity and contact details and, if applicable, contact details of our representative;

b. contact details of our data protection officer, if applicable;

c. recipients of your personal data, if any;

d. appropriate or suitable safety measures we`ve taken.

(3) Information Recording

In order to offer you the service mentioned and fulfill our legal obligations under this Terms of Service, we may record and retain your information as long as you use our MyNex  APP or  Web, for your own legal and/or business purposes.

(4) Communication

We shall notify each data recipient once any action of data revision or deletion or restriction of processing is taken in accordance with Article 3 (2)(3)(4)(5) unless this effort proves to be impossible. We shall inform you of those recipients upon your request.

(5) Security

We’ll take technically reasonable endeavors to ensure security of personal data that we collect from you. We will also take measures to prevent security holes and unauthorized access to your data.

a. In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR), we will inform you of following information timely: the basic information and possible impact of security incident, disposal measures we`ve taken or will take, suggestions on how to prevent and mitigate risk and relevant remedies for you. We will inform you of the event conditions in a timely manner by email, or letter, or telephone, or push notifications, etc. In the case it is difficult to reach each user, we will publish an official announcement in a reasonable and effective way.

b. Meanwhile, we will report security incidents related to users to official supervising authority.

c. We will take reasonable measures to ensure security of your information in case operation of our platform and/or services is ceased. The measures include immediate termination of user information collection; A notification of service cease will be sent to you; and your personal information which we`ve collected will be deleted or under anonymization process, etc.

d. If we need to use your information for a purpose not mentioned above or beyond a direct and reasonable range, we will inform you and ask for your consent before taking an action.

(6) Notification

In case a data breach occurs, we shall notify supervisory authority about the case without undue delay and, if feasible, no later than 72 hours after discovering the incident, unless the personal data breach is unlikely to endanger personal right and freedom. In the event of the notification to the supervisory authority is delayed (not within 72 hours), we will have to deliver a reasonable explanation.

If a data breach is most likely to endanger your right and freedom, we will notify you the case without undue delay.

3. Your rights

(1) Access

You`re authorized to understand whether we`re processing your personal data, which data we`re processing, how we`re processing your data and to whom we`re sharing it. And you have the right to complain to us and a supervisory authority if you believe the process breaches this User Agreement and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

(2) Rectification

You`re authorized to ask us, without undue delay, to revise your inaccurate information and update your incomplete personal data by providing a supplementary statement.

(3) Deletion

You`re authorized to ask us to delete your personal data, and we have to take action without undue delay, if one of following conditions applies:

a. purposes of personal data collection and process are no longer necessarily required;

b. the personal data have been processed illegally;

c. the personal data have to be erased in order to comply with our legal obligations subject to Laws of European Union or its Member States.

(4) Restriction

You have right to ask us to restrict of data processing if anyone of following conditions applies:

a. You disagree with your personal data and allow us to verify the data accuracy within an agreed period;

b. the data processing is illegal and you oppose to the process or request usage restriction;

c. the personal data is no longer needed for the processing purposes, but still useful, under your requirement, for establishing, exercising or defending your legal claims.

(5) Objection

You have right to object to process your personal data and we will take your request into account. In order to properly assess whether we have to continue the process due to an available compelling legal interest or due to dealing of legal claims, we shall understand reasons of your objection.

4. Your Commitments

(1) You hereby agree that we may process your personal data in order to provide you the services described above (Article 2(1)), while you shall also reserve the right to recall your agreement at any time. This recall shall not affect effectiveness of data processing before recalling.

We have right to terminate this Terms of Service if you disagree with these terms or recall your consent at any time.

(2) You agree that we may disclose your personal data to device manufacturer and installer, at our sole discretion, for assisting them to provide better service to you.

(3) You agree that you will not engage in any behavior that may interfere with proper functioning of our system and will not take any action that may undermine your data security according to our understandings.

(4) You acknowledge and agree that you have full right, with no limitation, to disclose and/or offer your personal information, and any liability, claim and lawsuit maybe incurred to us will be waived, as long as your data are properly used according to this User Agreement .

(5) You acknowledge and agree that some information you provided will be transferred to, stored and processed in the country where we, our affiliates, or our sub-contractors reserve facilities for the Services. This may be subjected to a different jurisdiction from the country where you reside.

(6) You acknowledge and agree that any oversea data transfer or processing is necessary and always under your consent. You also agree us to process your information on your behalf, pertaining to the User Agreement , and you request us to transfer such Information to any Country, and to store and process such Information against the User Agreement .

(7) You acknowledge and agree that we have right, at our sole discretion, to remove, modify or reject any content that you submit to, post or display on our MyNex  APP or  Web, as these contents, in our sole opinion, is unlawful, violating the Terms, or may incur any liability that we or our affiliates will take.

5. Force Majeure

Unless otherwise stated in the terms and conditions of the relevant Services, under no circumstances, we shall be held liable for any delay or failure or disruption of the content or the Services that is resulted directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces or causes beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to, Internet failures, computer viruses, cyber-attacks, failure of telecommunications or any other equipment, electrical power failures, strikes, labor disputes, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, shortages of labor or materials, fires, flood, storms, explosions, acts of God, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals or non-performance of any third parties.

6. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

This agreement shall be governed by local laws without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. Both parties in this agreement shall submit disputes to the local court for jurisdiction.

7. Complaints

In the event that you would wish to make a complaint about how we process your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer at and we will take effort to deal with it.

8. Notification of Changes

We reserve the right to modify this User Agreement at any time, so we`d ask you to often review it. We will notify you of any change here, or by email, by means of a post notice on our MyNex  APP or  Web, prior to the change going into effect.

Last modified April 9th, 2024